Black Ministries, Young Adult Ministry :

Anchored in Christ

As we are approaching one year since the inception of COVID-19 in the United States, all of us have had to face many challenges.    The recent 2020 holidays were a reminder of how serious the situation has become.   We are all suffering from heightened stress and anxiety with minimal family and community support due to social distancing and other COVID precautions.

The pandemic has impacted all youth, young adults, and the golden age.  Some people have articulated feelings of helplessness and miss their social supports.   Many youth and young adults have gotten mixed confusing messages from social media.  Our younger people miss the structure, socialization, and stimulation that was provided by their physical attendance at school.  There is also a disconnect with faith communities.  Due to current situation we all have less opportunities to be with family, peers, colleagues, church families and get that essential social support.

With no immediate visible end to this pandemic and its aftermath, a group of current and former youth ministers felt a need to shed some light and share hope to the youth, young adults, and our brothers and sisters in general.

As ambassadors we want to give: “HOPE AGAINST HOPE” by:

  • Creating a platform where youth, young adults, and adults can connect or reconnect to the Catholic faith.
  • Creating faith based socialization activities/exercises for different age groups (8-15, 16-18, and young adults)
  • Creating a faith based platform where youth and young adults will be able to express themselves.
  • Creating a space where we could reach youth, young adults, and adults emotionally and spiritually.

Anchored in Christ Youth and Young Adult Ministry was created to spiritually support all of us overwhelmed by the effects of the pandemic.   During this time of uncertainty and isolation we want to create meaningful experiences that connect youth, young adults, and all interested to a virtual spiritual community.    We want to continue to share our faith and remain grounded while we await the day that all of us will be able to safely return to our spiritual homes.   In the meantime, we are remaining anchored virtually.